Engineering Design and Construction Oversight for Sediment Remediation Project
Port of Richmond, California
Weiss Associates was the prime environmental engineering consultant contracted to plan, design and oversee the construction of a $2 million project to remediate contaminated San Francisco Bay sediments. The purpose of the project was to meet remedial action objectives for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), lead, mercury, and zinc at a former shipyard. Approximately 6,500 cubic yards of contaminated sediment were removed from a cut across one acre of tidal marsh and mudflat. Sediments were removed via a combination land-based dragline dredge and water-based derrick barge with clamshell bucket. The resulting contaminated soils were stabilized onsite and used as sub-base material for the asphalt concrete parking lot. Contaminated sediments that remained in place were capped with beneficial reuse of clean bay mud dredged from a local commercial marina. Wetland vegetation was planted in the salt marsh area and the shoreline was repaired and armored.
Weiss Associates' services included:
- Preparing conceptual design and final contract documents, including all plans and specifications
- Preparing the Remedial Design and Implementation Plan and supplemental summary reports for California Environmental Protection Agency Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC)
- Sampling sediment and modeling contaminant fate and transport
- Developing wetland restoration design to facilitate vegetation with native salt marsh species
- Overseeing and managing construction activities
- Preparing the Final Remedial Documentation Report for DTSC, including the deed restriction and operation and maintenance plan for the capping system
- Conducting annual ground water monitoring activities
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