Environmental Science, Engineering, and Management Services
Weiss Associates provides a dynamic mix of professional and technical services that help reduce client liability, restore the value of real estate, and guard the health of our communities and the environment. Weiss Associates supports industrial clients, government agencies, municipalities and law firms with the following services:
Site Assessment
Weiss Associates has the skilled and experienced professionals required to collect and synthesize appropriate, high-quality data to provide cost-effective site cleanup recommendations.
Weiss Associates' engineers, geologists, hydrogeologists, cost estimators, and environmental permitting specialists have designed, constructed, and operated over 150 environmental remediation systems at state and federal Superfund sites, hydrocarbon-impacted sites, and Brownfield redevelopment sites.
Weiss Associates' engineers follow a proven model for developing cost-effective engineering solutions for environmental projects. We maintain a core team of environmental, civil, chemical, and mechanical engineers that works together with our scientists, geologists, hydrogeologists, and technical illustrators.

Vapor Intrusion Services
For over 20 years, Weiss Associates has been assessing and mitigating VI risks. During the past decade, regulatory approaches have been evolving towards ever more stringent requirements. To keep up with changing regulatory policies, and as tenants and employees become more aware of the potential health risks posed by VI, it is becoming increasingly important for responsible parties and building owners to understand and address potential VI issues. Our highly qualified staff with close ties to regulatory decisionmakers is on the forefront of developing and implementing practical, forward-looking VI approaches that reduce risk and long-term costs.

Regulatory Compliance
Weiss Associates' regulatory compliance specialists have extensive experience interpreting environmental laws and regulations pertaining to energy, air and water quality, hazardous materials, hazardous waste, radioactive waste, water and wastewater treatment and discharge, remediation, and land use.
Environmental Planning
Weiss Associates has more than 38 years of experience analyzing environmental impacts, preparing technical studies, and securing environmental permits for projects undertaken by our clients.
Clean Water Services
Weiss Associates explores and develops potable water supplies, and evaluates the quality of water sources and discharges, as well as designs, constructs and operates treatment systems to protect receiving waters.
Storm Water Management
Weiss Associates provides customized storm water solutions ranging from simple storm water plans to complex hydrologic and hydrogeologic assessments requiring sophisticated modeling. We develop innovative approaches to help our clients comply with regulations on schedule and at low lifecycle costs. With a highly qualified staff and a strong interest in sustainability, Weiss creates
long‑term solutions that have small environmental footprints and meet our clients’ budgetary constraints.

Environmental Information Management
High-quality data management is the foundation of all projects at Weiss Associates. Weiss Associates maintains the environmental data for its clients' sites, applying expertise in relational databases and GIS to store, retrieve, and display the complex information critical for robust and efficient environmental evaluation.

Litigation Support
Weiss Associates provides legal support for a variety of environmental concerns as well as effective pre-trial strategies and exhibits that clearly demonstrate the strengths of our clients' position.