Shoreline Sampling and Stable Isotope Analysis
Port of San Francisco
Along the historic Fishermen's Wharf in San Francisco, the Port of San Francisco jointly oversees remediation of a waterfront site where former marine fueling operations released petroleum hydrocarbons to soil and ground water. Weiss Associates provides technical services to the Port for environmental investigation, monitoring and remediation.
Weiss Associates developed a site conceptual model (SCM) to describe the release and migration of petroleum hydrocarbons. The SCM synthesized investigation data that had been collected by multiple consultants since the late 1980s. The Port and Weiss Associates then performed a supplemental site investigation that included installation of aquifer tubes along the shoreline to enable collection of samples of tidal zone ground water and petroleum hydrocarbon seepage.
Samples from the field investigation were sent to Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory scientists, who evaluated isotope ratios of dissolved hydrocarbons, dissolved inorganic carbon, and methane to refine the SCM and aid in remediation decision-making. Isotopic fingerprints also were used to improve the Port's understanding of the source of hydrocarbon contamination.
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