Meteorological and Airborne Dust Monitoring During Redevelopment of a Brownfield Site
San Francisco Bay Area, California
Weiss Associates was retained on short notice during the excavation phase of this redevelopment project after the surprise discovery of elevated levels of radioactivity in the subsurface landfill materials. Weiss Associates rapidly implemented a radiation protection program to allow the halted construction to resume in compliance with federal and state regulations, and oversaw all aspects of remediation related to radioactivity for the duration of the project. Weiss Associates continues to monitor radon for the long term.
The client, pleased with our initial work at the site, expanded our scope to include perimeter airborne particulate monitoring and weather tracking for approximately a year and a half. Weiss Associates installed a meteorological station to collect weather data, and installed dust-monitoring equipment to collect defensible dust concentration data. Using state-of-the-art telecommunications technology, Weiss Associates monitored the site remotely, thereby significantly reducing the number of site visits and related costs while maintaining a near-real-time data-review process.
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