Reservoir Biological Assessment
San Francisco, California
The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) manages lands surrounding the Laguna Honda Reservoir in San Francisco, California. The 44 million gallon-capacity concrete-lined reservoir was constructed in the 1860s and is no longer connected to the City's water system. Weiss Associates and subconsultants (the Team) conducted a biological assessment to provide SFPUC with a baseline description of biological resources present, or potentially present, at the Laguna Honda Reservoir to aid in ongoing and future management of the site.
The biological assessment evaluated potential special-status natural communities occurring on the Site, including wetlands (freshwater spring, related watercourse and area of standing water) and Central Coast riparian scrub. The assessment evaluated potential impacts to San Francisco gum plant, nesting passerines and raptors, and over-wintering individuals of the monarch butterfly.
The Team performed background research as part of the assessment. Reconnaissance-level field surveys were performed around the perimeter of the Site and along established trails across the slopes. The Team mapped existing vegetation habitat types observed on Site, prepared a narrative describing these habitats, and assessed the potential for the presence of special-status biological resources.
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