Environmental Planning
Weiss Associates helps clients assess potential impacts of proposed developments, and approaches projects with a sustainable environmental strategy. We provide assistance for federal, state, and local agencies as well as private project applicants to assess the environmental requirements applicable to our clients' projects and develop strategies for successful and efficient implementation.
Weiss Associates has a thorough understanding of the relevant regulatory requirements, experience negotiating with stakeholders with divergent interests, and a proven ability to assemble a competent team of experts for any project.
Environmental Planning Services
- National Environmental Policy Act (Environmental Impact Statement [EIS], Environmental Assessment [EA], Finding of No Significant Impact [FONSI])
- California Environmental Quality Act (Environmental Impact Report [EIR], Mitigated Negative Declaration [MND], Negative Declaration [ND])
- National Historic Preservation Act Compliance
- Endangered Species Act Biological Assessments & Evaluations
- Clean Water Act Sections 404 and 401 Permitting
- US Rivers and Harbors Act Section 10 Permitting
- Streambed Alteration Agreements
- Wetlands Delineation & Mitigation
- Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Plans
- Natural and Cultural Resources