Fish and Decapod Crustacean Monitoring
Port of Oakland, California
Weiss Associates conducted seasonal sampling of fish and decapod crustacean species present in a proposed project area in San Francisco Bay, and at a nearby reference site in Oakland Outer Harbor to augment the Port of Oakland's (the Port's) biological baseline.
Sampling was conducted using a 16-foot otter trawl net towed behind a 17-foot Boston Whaler boat. The net was towed for approximately 400 feet along the bottom. At the completion of each tow, the net was manually retrieved and emptied into a sorting container. All fish and decapod crustaceans were identified to species when possible and measured (total length) to the nearest millimeter. Voucher specimens were taken for later identification.
Photographs were taken of a few fish or decapod crustaceans throughout the sampling events. Data tables that summarized the species captured from all sampling events, including physical parameters, were provided in electronic format to the Port, along with a report.
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