Storm Water Management at Maritime and Airport Facilities
Port of Oakland
The Port of Oakland is a world-class container port, with an international airport, an array of retail and commercial buildings and acres of recreational and open space. Weiss supports the Port in many of its environmental projects, including the evaluation and improvement of the quality of surface water runoff from routine operations at the Oakland International Airport, the Port's shipping terminals, and other maritime facilities.
For over a decade, Weiss has helped the Port of Oakland collect all storm water samples at the airport and seaport. We have performed inspections of busy shipping terminals to identify potential sources of pollutants that may enter San Francisco Bay and recommended source control strategies and BMPs. We have provided third party review of storm water pollution plans under the Construction General Permit and have been called to help the Port address BMP failures. For projects that involve dredging, fill placement, or in-bay wharf or pier work, we have performed bay sediment and biota testing and fish studies and provided strategies for sediment management and placement that preserve water quality goals.
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