Examples of Storm Water Management Projects
Storm Water Management
Weiss Associates provides customized storm water solutions ranging from simple storm water plans to complex hydrologic and hydrogeologic assessments requiring sophisticated modeling. We develop innovative approaches to help our clients comply with regulations on schedule and at low lifecycle costs. With a highly qualified staff and a strong interest in sustainability, Weiss creates long‑term solutions that have small environmental footprints and meet our clients’ budgetary constraints.
Weiss’s depth of expertise in hydrologic and hydrogeologic assessments, along with our strong modeling skills, allows us to expertly evaluate storm water aspects of any project. We have experience developing and implementing best management practices; support the installation, operation, and maintenance of treatment systems; and provide resources to support litigation. We have provided peer review of surface water, drainage, and infiltration models. We also leverage our extensive experience in soil remediation to develop optimized solutions for managing storm water runoff from contaminated sites or brownfield redevelopment properties.
Industrial Permits
Weiss has assisted industrial facilities, from high-technology research laboratories to metal recycling facilities and refineries, in complying with the requirements of the Clean Water Act, whether under individual NPDES permits (Waste Discharge Requirements) or the Industrial General Permit program. Our services include:
- Storm water pollution prevention plans
- Integration of storm water requirements into environmental management systems or other operational systems
- Source control to eliminate pollutant discharges
- Smart design of best management practices (BMPs) that minimizes long-term operational and maintenance costs
- Effectiveness evaluations
- Compliance inspections
- Facility and group monitoring with rapid deployment to collect samples during rain events
- Streamlined data processing and annual reporting
- Training
- Negotiations with Regional Water Quality Control Boards
- Litigation support
Construction General Permits
Construction projects that disturb 1 or more acres of soil must comply with the California State Water Resources Board’s General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction and Land Disturbance Activities (Order No. 2010-0014-DWQ). Weiss assists developers and property owners in managing storm water runoff from construction projects by performing these services:
- Registering a Notice of Intent to Comply with the terms of the General Permit
- Determining the risk level of the project
- Calculating watershed sediment loads
- Evaluating erosion processes and sediment control options
- Developing and implementing a storm water pollution prevention plan
- Implementing active treatment systems and developing required plans
- Collecting and analyzing samples
- Developing and submitting an annual report
Municipal Permits
Weiss has a long history of assisting municipal and institutional clients, including counties, ports, and city departments, with environmental services. We support municipalities, agencies, and non-traditional Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems in developing, implementing, and maintaining a Storm Water Management Program in compliance with the Phase II Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems General Permit. We help developers and architects comply with the requirements of the Municipal Regional Permit for the San Francisco Bay Area. Our clients gain streamlined, cost-effective, long-term solutions, including the following:
- Storm water management plans and reports
- Development and implementation of sampling and analysis plans for watershed planning and total maximum daily load compliance
- Pollutant identification and source control assessments
- Pollutant fate and transport evaluations
- Hydrologic studies and evaluations
- Geologic and soil studies for infiltration/evapotranspiration assessments
- Continuous simulation of urban runoff and stream flow using the EPA Storm Water Management Model and Army Corps Hydrologic Engineering Center-Hydrologic Management System models
- Watershed and project-specific hydromodification management plans
- Infrastructure assessments and feasibility evaluations of upgrade options
- Engineering design of storm water collection and conveyance systems
- Design of bioswales, biofilters, media filters, and detention and retention basins
- Use of green infrastructure and low-impact development