Customized GIS Interface for Storm Water Management
University of California, Davis
The west campus of the University of California, Davis includes agricultural land for teaching and research; support facilities, and academic and administrative buildings and contains within it a 450-acre developed area that includes the UC Davis Airport. The developed area is served by a storm drainage pipe system with 196 inlets that convey storm water.
In 2012, UC Davis requested that Weiss assess the effectiveness of best management practices (BMPs) being implemented in the developed area of the western portion of the campus and, where appropriate, recommend BMP enhancements. Weiss reviewed storm water sample data, inspected all storm drain inlets during wet and dry weather, and assessed pollutant sources at the airport, the poultry facility, husbandry unit, and other operations within the 450-acre developed area. Based on the quality of the storm water discharges and the assessment of the operations, Weiss recommended low-cost BMPs that could be easily deployed to reduce sediment in runoff from the west campus operations. Weiss also developed a prioritized list of storm drain inlets that required cleaning, maintenance or repair.
To facilitate on-going storm water management on the west campus, Weiss developed a geospatial file that allows the University staff to view the storm water pipe network and inlets to quickly understand inspection results and sample data for each location within the system. The geospatial information available to storm water managers includes labeled locations of storm water conveyances, color-coded symbols to indicate the priority of actions needed at each drop inlet, recommended BMPs with links to applicable BMP sheets from the California Stormwater Quality Association Handbook, and field photographs of dry and storm conditions. The user-friendly interface allows environmental managers to quickly access a large volume of information on their desktop or mobile device.
Upon completion of the project, UC Davis requested a similar evaluation of a storm water conveyance system at another campus area.
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