Examples of Vapor Intrusion Management
- Former Semiconductor Manufacturing Facility
- Multi-Party Superfund Site
- Fleet and Industrial Supply Center
- Former Manufacturing Facility
Vapor Intrusion Management
Vapor intrusion is the migration of vapor-phase volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or gases, such as radon and methane, from groundwater or soil into overlying buildings. Because exposure to these compounds can pose health risks, regulatory requirements for controlling vapor intrusion are becoming ever more stringent.
Weiss is on the forefront of developing and implementing practical, forward-looking approaches to reduce risks and long-term costs of vapor intrusion. For more than 20 years, Weiss has assessed and mitigated vapor intrusion risks based on specific site characteristics, including known or anticipated contaminants, composition of subsurface materials, building construction, facility operations, and plans for future use. Our multi-disciplinary team includes experts in saturated and unsaturated contaminant hydrogeology; field testing and sampling; health risk assessment; risk management; and chemical, civil and remediation engineering.
Vapor Intrusion Management Services:
- Assessment and conceptual site model development
- Groundwater, soil gas, indoor and outdoor air sample collection
- Source removal by excavation, soil vapor extraction, or other means
- Design and construction of building vapor mitigation systems
- Operation and maintenance of vapor mitigation systems
- Risk management plans