Water Resources
Weiss Associates' environmental professionals assist not only with current water needs, but also with preparing for tomorrow. We provide the technical and regulatory expertise that provides an advantage in meeting water management goals, as well as addressing changing regulations and the natural environment.
Weiss Associates explores and develops potable water supplies, evaluates the quality of water sources and discharges, and designs, constructs and operates treatment systems to protect receiving waters. These specialties are applied to a broad spectrum of clients including developers, wineries, and technology facilities as well as for water purveyors and municipal and federal government facilities.
Water Resources
- Water Quality Studies and Evaluations
- Groundwater Supply Studies
- Drinking Water System Studies, Planning and Infrastructure Support
- Surface Water Hydrology / Drainage Studies and Design
- Storm Water Management
- Erosion and Sediment Control Best Management Practices Design
- Water Reuse Evaluation for Groundwater Remediation Systems
- Wastewater Systems Planning and Engineering
- Point Source National Pollution Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) Permitting and Compliance